The sudden rise of 'dupe' brands have come at an all time high again - back in 2018-2020 and again during mid-2023.
We speculate due to the rise of BPS breaking through normal market caps for reseller brands - these brands have 'remarketed' to copy our story, tag lines, and falsifying their ability to recreate in-house.
Healthy competition benefits everyone, though false advertising and fraud to the market does not.
A few things to spot for when buying dupe brands:
We support local brands through and through (in our front page feature) - but also believe in putting value-first through education as a higher priority for consumers to make the best decisions in their interest.
BestPerfume.Store has a 100% happiness guarantee - and our supporters can vouch for our dedication to our community.
For queries on fake or authentic sellers of retail brands - do request an authorisation to sell document (all retailers will have this as given by their distributor). Further, you can compare their pricing and margins using this list. Do consider the exchange rate of USD to SGD, GST, payment processing, storage, delivery, and labour costs on top of gross margin.
Wholesaler ListWhen shopping in stores, the recommend retail price (RRP) tends to be split and covers costs at each node: the retailer, the distributor, the manufacturer, and the supplier. At each node, costs of rental, licensing, permits, payroll, and sensational marketing, tend to far exceed material costs themselves. BestPerfume.Store only has two nodes - the supplier and us, the manufacturer. With strong veterans in the fragrance industry as supplying partners, and a non-shared business structure - margins do not have to be split and accounted for additional expenses like investors and further cuts down the supply chain line. Despite future taxes of income tax, GST, and payment processing - BestPerfume.Store shovels most if not all profit toward a consumer-first strategy. We have dominated the market in price and outstanding quality from an independent business structure as opposed to an investor-shared company or outsourced production.
We have started strong, and will only continue to extend that gap in taking the number one spot as gratitude to our supporters.
In efforts to improve the similarity of designer fragrance resemblances for BestPerfume.Store Numbers The Resemblance Collection (TNC), a 3-month longitudinal study using repeated measures was conducted per BestPerfume.Store's fragrance batch iteration to improve the formulation of TNC fragrances. The post hoc study below concluding three months of adjustments, compare the perceived olfactory similarity of BestPerfume.Store against two other local fragrance houses and the respective designer brands.A randomised double-blind trial consisting of BestPerfume.Store and two other local fragrance houses were tested with the respective original fragrances as a control (bought from a licensed fragrance distributor store) with an experimenter group of five participants (2 Male, 3 Female; Mean Age = 39.8, Range = 19-65). A total of three fragrances (taken from TNC's best-selling in June 2022) were used across the four groups: Sauvage EDT by Dior, Aventus (2022) by Creed, and English Pear & Freesia EDC by Jo Malone. Random numbers were assigned to each fragrance and randomised by beforehand by each experimenter. Each fragrance (from the three local fragrance houses) was smelt and self-reported on a 7-point Likert scale (from 1 - Not at all similar to 7 - Extremely similar), with instant coffee nose breaks in between recordings. Results suggested across all 9 trials (a design of 3x3) that BestPerfume.Store was the most accurate* (Average Mean = 7) in resembling the control (original fragrance). *Accuracy based on perceived smell similarity only, at a 95% CI, α = 0.05
A perceived olfactory perception variation can be explained by the difference in concentration of the tested fragrances and comparisons against BestPerfume.Store's 50% concentration, extending base notes and non-significantly muting top notes.Additionally, these findings were found to be in support of store customers who had also purchased from local fragrance houses.
BestPerfume.Store conducts visits and owns individual decants to test against retail store resemblances in order to compare strength, longevity, and accuracy.
Note. Concentration and batch differences can differe between perfumes and hence, differ between our resemblences and their references.
Update. As our perfumery skillset and material range increases as the brand grows - newer access to sought-after materials at higher price points are available. A revisit to older formulations to improve accuracy even further and prolonged notes with performance are to be expected.
In continuation of the 'Tested Accuracy' study, this study looked to compare the same three fragrances across the three local fragrances houses (inclusive of BestPerfume.Store) against their original counterpart.A similar procedure was used as per the prior study, though a self-report 7-point Likert scale (from 1 - Not at all present to 7 - Extremely present) was assessed continually across 2-hour intervals starting from the first hour after fragrance application. The same practice of instant coffee nose breaks between recordings was enforced. Results per fragrance house per fragrance were averaged and divided* by their global perceived longevity rating (sourced from and adjusted to Singapore's temperature and humidity). Findings indicate that BestPerfume.Store outperformed** all two fragrances houses (Average Mean Multiplier = 1.7x) and also the original counterparts (Average Mean = 5.3). These results can largely be explained due to the increase in fragrance oil concentration and the use of non-offensive alcohols (99% ethanol base as compared to cheaper alternatives of isopropyl alcohol or methanol).*Due to the nature of perfume fragrance oil densities and specific evaporation curves, fragrances are expected to perform within their fragrance profile rather than between. In other words, different fragrance oil recipes will result in naturalistic differing evaporation curves.***Longevity based on perceived smell strength only, at a 95% CI, α = 0.05
BestPerfume.Store is currently aware of toxic chemicals circulating the local perfume scene - and does NOT support the use of cheaper materials to make perfume.
Sourcing the standalone add-to-cart price after stipulated discounts, BestPerfume.Store remains the lowest-priced local fragrance house. Prices range from $47-360 per 100ml of perfume for other local brands. Further, in comparison to retail perfume stores and designer brands, BestPerfume.Store stems to be 6 times less than on average designer perfumes at 100ml sizing (S$227, according to the market research firm NPD). The price comparison did not include the additional cost savings of BestPerfume.Store's bundles, delivery waiver, and increased strengths, as well as added service and free bonus material.
Here are local brands and global clone houses with their prices adjusted to 100ml, the chart lists their lowest available price listed to be fair and with the highest assumed concentration.
These range from EDTs (5-15% concentration) to EDPs (15-20%) to ExtraitDPs (20-40%). To account for BestPerfume.Store's parfum strength (50%) without considering the evidenced premium quality and proprietary solvent blend - we can find an adjusted price to compare. All perfume concentration ranges have been generously chosen at their highest strength to give the brands a better fared comparison.
And no, price does not equate to more expensive materials or process.
Some materials like agarwood oud can cost up to S$18,200 per 1kg, or pure saffron oil at $62,306 per 1kg.
Whereas essential oils, for example a premium grade jasmine oil, can cost S$106 per 1kg; or absolutes (jasmine sambrac, solvent extracted) can cost $7939.
The more difficult the extraction method, and difficult to synthesise accords or attain aromachemicals, the more expensive it is.
Simpler and less lasting perfumes are easy to tell due to lack of depth and lasting power - designer or local brands are not exempt from cutting corners.
Thin-layer chromatography is a method used to separate non-volatile mixtures. This method can be used to test the strengths of the three local fragrances houses in question (inclusive of BestPerfume.Store). However, due to resource limitations, this method has been put on hold. However, descriptive data can be retrieved from the respective fragrance houses on their social media sites,. Results show BestPerfume.Store at a 1.7x higher fragrance concentration value as compared to any competing fragrance house. This finding supports the prior experimental study and supporting customer anecdotes as to why BestPerfume.Store scored the highest in long-lastingness and longevity performance at a stated 50% as compared to other brands at 30% and below.
To answer circulating rumours, we do supply to other local brands that may or may not further dilute our product to make it more similar to their resemblances. BestPerfume.Store does not offer a high margin outside our own margin, hence the need to dilute for distributor businesses to profit is required.
From local and international authentic designer fragrance retailers to local fragrance houses, BestPerfume.Store remains the fastest in delivery with an average time of delivery within 12 hours, as compared to the rest at 2-5 working days. Since late 2023, we're also co-developing a live-tracking app to help speed communications with you and our own fleet team.
Similar to coffee, certain fragrance materials can only be manufactured and produced in certain climates. For example, oud, a fragrant resin formed from the infection of agarwood (from Aqruilaria trees) is processed in India. Though other places also produce oud, the quality of the trees and infection process has been more curated and well done through tradition and as a pioneering exporter in the fragrance world. Many different types of fragrance oils, ranging from exotic flowers to synthetic musk and ocean notes, are manufactured by giant conglomerate fragrance groups, having their headquarters situated mainly in the United Kingdom and United States. These corporations import materials from around the world, oil process them to meet the International Fragrance Association (IFRA) standards, and export them back out to the rest of the world.Quality can be assured when the BestPerfume.Store sources from the same manufacturers that house and produce for high-end designer brands.
As of recent, BestPerfume.Store is fortunate enough to work with a powerhouse raw materials manufacturer that produces for P&G, Johnson&Johnson, Gilette, Unilever, and Colgate.
However, sourcing of better homebound and origin manufacturers will still be ongoing. As of July 2022, BestPerfume.Store has tested over 20 manufacturers and chosen to work with the current UK entity.
- 100ml Thickened Soda-Lime Annealed Glass Bottle
- Zinc-Aluminium Spray Cap
- Thickened Heavy Spray Cap Lid (Matte Finish)
- Matte Waterproof Laminated Label
- Glass-clear transparent tubing
Gift Box
- Custom Bottle-Fit EVA Foam Padded
- Smooth Cardboard Finish
- Magnetic Close Lid
- Protective Corrugated Fiberboard Box
Luxury Atomisers
- Zinc-Aluminium sprayers
- Anti-leak quality checked
- Refillable with thickened glass and rubber seal
- Leather eteched and engraved casing
Improvements by mid of 2024 coming with extreme upgrades to all of the above to keep innovation and quality high.
Overall, BestPerfume.Store has chosen the specific formulation and composition of perfume materials to suit South East Asia's fluctuating space: high humidity and temperatures alongside dry and cool work environments. During the initial R&D phase, many empirical adjustments to the recipe ratios were carried out and adusted with the performance with the climate in mind. As BestPerfume.Store makes these fragrances in-house, methods and processes are constantly updated as expertise grows and in turn, improve the quality provided to the end-product for the customer.
Perfume is mainly compounded from two base ingredients: fragrance oil and alcohol. Similar to olive oil or food ingredients, quality matters. Higher costing materials tend to be generally safer than lower costing and potentially harmful ones, at which point a brand can choose to prioritise the customer's safety or their profit margins. Fakes and rejects do not care for this, understandably.
The quality of perfume when formulating can be inspected through several criteria:
1) Oil Acidity (above 2% oils can go rancid, take on undesired odours, or cause immiscibility with alcohols)
2) Presence of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (carcinogenic fillers)
3) Purity of Unadultered Fragrance Oils (odour compound transferrenc from their origin material to the oil)
4) Synthetic or Natural Compounds Use* ('true' aromas or shortcut fillers to reduce costs)
5) Alcohol Blend (as a solvent to deliver and lessen the evaporation curve of perfume; cheaper forms using methanol or strong-odoured isopropyl alcohol can cause metabolic problems, itchiness, dryness, redness, and irritation)
6) Preservatives (use of acids, antimicrobials, or patentented blends)
7) Dilution (fragrance compounds post-dilution can be further diluted later on with vegetable oils to lower costs)
8) Meet the IFRA Code of Practice (of compliance, purity, and operations)
*Note that some compounds, for example musk, have been entirely synthetic to reduce poaching of animals; or for fantasy fragrance accords like amber; or when the perfumer targets synthetic smells over natural, like for fresh or candy strawberries.
The transparency and information above look to provide insight on BestPerfume.Store's practice and use of always choosing the better choice for customers over profit, always. BestPerfume.Store has a zero-tolerance stand for using toxic chemicals, and thereby continues to source for higher quality ingredients over time as the budget for R&D increases.
Local Health and Safety Authorities approved (C23025971C).
BestPerfume.Store was established to provide genuine quality products at an affordable cost for the modern-day. The cost of living has steadily increased over the years, pressing career, financial, and socioemotional stress on its netizens. It is important to factor in strong business ethics when it comes to providing a product and/or service. Alongside the BestPerfume.Store being the 'best' in customer-valued criteria, resources toward an outstanding and leading brand service are just as important.
We've also been first-to-market on recreating perfumes faster than any other global brand, bringing the most modern, to you.